
Posts Tagged ‘Food Saver’

Food Savers and Mylar Bags

Occasionally someone will ask if they can use a Food Saver to vacuum seal a Mylar bags.  In general, the answer to that is no; Food Savers are designed specifically to handle their particular channel bags.

I received an email last week from Don Sheets saying he had found a way to use a Food Saver to vacuum seal Mylar.  Needless to say, I was intrigued.  He followed up with a full set of pictures and explanation, which I now present to y’all! In essence, it is a method to create Food Saver Channel Bag ‘Straws’, which can then be used to vacuum seal a Mylar Bag. Very cool.

Thanks Don! (My apologies for the poor formatting, working with a group of pictures in WordPress is not yet my strong suit!)

Soldering gun with tip made from #12 or #14 copper wire

Step 1:  Soldering tip made of #12 or #14 copper wire. 

Soldering gun used to score and seal Food Saver bags. Run the tip over the spot several times to insure it seals the edge.

Step 2:  Score and Seal Food Saver Channel Bags. Repeat as many times as you have bags to seal.


Cut the strips apart in between sealed areas.

Step 3:  Cut the strips apart in between sealed areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Step 4:  Cut the ends off the strips for air to flow through them.

Cut the ends off the strips for air to flow through them.

Step 5:  Place one strip in bag with about ½ inch or more sticking out.  Put in sealer and vacuum.

Place one strip in bag with about ½ inch or more sticking out. Put in sealer and vacuum.

Finished product is a vacuumed bag of rice with an oxygen absorber inside. Cut the excess strip off.


04 2011