
Advice and Beans Food Storage Preparedness Article Contest – $500 in Prizes

To give folks a chance to particpate we’re going to run a little contest over the next couple of months!  I’ll be including a flier with all new orders letting people know as well as providing up-to-date information about goings on at the store and blog.

Here’s how it will work.  In 300-500 words (about 1 double-spaced page in Word or Wordpad), answer the question ‘If you could offer 1 piece of advice about food storage, what would it be?’  Alternately, describe a situation where your food storage came in useful in a real emergency scenario.  Feel free to include pictures of your food storage pantry or video as well!

I’ll post the articles as often as I get them, and at the end of 90 days, 3 entries will win a combination of $500 at the store ($250, $150 and $100)!  I’ll also toss in some goodies I have lying around, including a spool of paracord, an awesome bug-out backpack from Rothco and some other great stuff!  And everyone who enters will get at least a cool coupon.

The fine print:  All entries must be new content and become the property of Advice and Beans, though of course you’ll be more than welcome to cross-post on your own personal blog if you have one.    We reserve the right to edit out any personal information and correct minor spelling mistakes.  Send your entries to admin@adviceandbeans.com and if you have any questions please let me know!

Good luck everyone!

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Author his web sitehttp://www.adviceandbeans.com


05 2011

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  1. 1

    I like you advice and your products were great and shipped very fast!

  2. 2

    Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate your entry into our contest!=)

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